
Authentically Express, Create, and Experience Life from the Truest and Greatest Depths of your Heart and Soul

Download the Introduction and Chapter 1 of my book, Presence is the Solution to Every Problem, for FREE!

Expand into your Potential to have Your Greatest Impact on the World

Here is what you will discover:

1) How to live in a state of bliss, love, ecstasy, freedom and peace

2) The greater and truer depths of your true self

3) Despite what most of us believe, our deepest desires and yearnings in life stem from our true desire to BE who we truly are, our truest and most unique and authentic self

Experience True and Deep Inner Fulfillment, Aliveness, Bliss, Love, Freedom, and Peace 

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Who is Danielle Morrow?

Danielle Morrow is a former software engineer and lawyer, who through following her love and inspiration for deep transformation and spirituality is now the founder of True You.  She continues to pursue the higher potentials and possibilities of her soul through her own spiritual and transformational growth, discovery, and evolution. She gives her clients and students access to the higher potentials and possibilities of their souls by helping them discover, explore, and open to the greater and truer depths of their true selves, where they can authentically express, create, and experience life from the truest and greatest depths of their hearts and souls, and live a life that is bursting with inspiration, bliss, radical aliveness, and love, where they have fallen madly in love with themselves and madly in love with life. All in service to helping create a world that reflects these greater depths and truths of who we truly are; ultimately, cosmic or being consciousness and love. 
She is an author, YouTuber, international speaker, coach, teacher, artist of possibility and heart and soul expressed entrepreneur.  She loves being immersed in developing her craft -- the unique gift she was born to share with the world.  In addition to her life’s work she is passionate about meditation, health, fitness, traveling, and environmental issues.  She lives in Denver, Colorado with her adorable dogs, Sade and Stefani.